Friendship Luncheons

About Us

A small group of 6 to 8 ladies meet once a month for a casual lunch in a member’s home with the intention to create new friends. The meal is the hostess’ choice that she prepares.

Newcomers Friendship Luncheons offer the opportunity
for you to develop new and lasting friendships in a quieter

Our format is for 4-8 ladies to meet monthly, rotating homes
over the course of a year. Each host prepares a casual meal
or selects a restaurant, with each member paying for her
own meal. Groups set their own meeting day—for example,
second Tuesdays—so that members can keep those calendar
dates clear.

Happily, there are many ways to socialize with Newcomers;
these smaller gatherings are perfect for getting to know one
another better on an ongoing basis. Please contact us if—
and when—you wish to be part of the fun!

Contact: Lissa & Carol Jo if you would like more information.

Friendship Luncheons - Request and Signup Form

Friendship Luncheons - Request and Signup Form
