Philanthropy Committee News

About Us

Each year, our Newcomers group partners with a local non-profit in our area. The philanthropy committee develops a plan to aid and support this organization including material and financial donations as well as volunteer work. Over the years, we have held a variety of fundraising activities such as dinner galas, afternoon teas, member workshops, and flower arranging to support our chosen philanthropy. The programs are as varied as our members and are all completely voluntary. Besides having fun, these efforts contribute to the well being of our community.

  Committee: Connie B., Mary C., Darlene C., Jeannie D., Sandy E,
Susan G., Brenda H., Sherry K., Susan M., Sharon S. 


Family Promise of Tualatin Valley has been our
designated charity for the past two years, and the time
has come for us to select our charity for next year. The
Philanthropy Committee recommended three candidates
at the April Board meeting: the Dougy Center, Hunger
Fighters and Neighborhood House. The Board
approved and now comes the difficult task of choosing
one of those three. Members will be sent an E-Blast with
information on each of the charities and a ballot to
complete by the end of the month, and the winning
charity will be announced in the June Newsletter. Please
complete your ballot – your vote makes a difference!

The Raffle Basket at the March Luncheon raised over
$340. Thanks to Brenda for creating the
lavish ginger-themed basket. At the luncheon, we also
had a Pajama Drive for Family Promise and attendees
donated 43 pairs in sizes from infant to adult. At least two
additional sets were sent to the community and others
dropped off, but they were not counted. Thank you to
luncheon guests for their very generous contributions to
the raffle and the pajama drive!

Philanthropy Committee members also held a Spring
Break Ice Cream Social for families at Bridge to Home
on March 26. It was a very festive afternoon with five
committee members and two husbands volunteering for
     the event: Diana, Jeanne, Sherry,  Connie and Ed,
      and Susan and Mike. They served about 50 ice cream sundaes
       to 45 residents (some had seconds!) and also provided simple
crafts for the children. The cost for the supplies and ice
cream was covered by raffle basket proceeds.

The April Luncheon and Fashion Show was a huge
success. We had two raffles, one from pig’ments that
sponsored the fashion show and the other sponsored by
the always generous Wine Enthusiasts. Special thanks to
   Connie and Ed and Joanne for their personal donations. The
winners of the raffles, Darlene and
Carrie were both thrilled.

The Philanthropy Committee is sponsoring a fundraiser
on Saturday, May 18th from 2-4pm at the Lake
Oswego Adult Center. Linda who led our club’s
“From Memories to Memoirs” group for many years, will
join members of the Lake Oswego Memoirs Group, to
share short excerpts from their memoirs. Linda
will have 70 copies of her published memoir available for
a donation at the event. Donations collected will be
divided between Family Promise and the Lymphoma
Society, the designated charity for the LO Memoir Group.
Linda hopes the event will inspire attendees to
try memoir-writing, and she hopes to restart our
club’s “From Memories to Memoirs” next year. We hope
you will join us for an entertaining afternoon
that supports two very worthy charities.





Philanthropy - Request and Signup Form

Philanthropy - Request and Signup Form
