President’s Message

Reviewing and writing new by-laws for our club has
been an interesting experience. Have you ever been
involved in such an endeavor? First, a committee is
formed because areas of concern have been identified
in the present document. Some feel more direction is
needed on policy and procedures, others feel less is
better. Who is actually a member of the club? Who
votes? What procedures are in place for the tracking of
our funds? The list goes on! It’s all about wording and
the manipulation of that pesky comma!

Meetings are soon set up and committee members
meet face to face. There are Roman numerals to deal
with and more pesky grammatical issues. Substance is
debated, everyone has a view. Tempers rise, eyes flash,
then we remember we ‘re a little club… it will all be ok!
Just breathe deeep!

Soon, drafts of the new document start to
circulate amongst us. I can still hear us…even
now…wait, what number is that, is that in the right
place? I thought we changed that? I don’t think that
page printed out! Should that actually say many or
some? A few more last minute ideas and changes are
tossed about, we decide the document is as perfect as
it can ever be, and it is time to share!

Susan, Alicia, Ann, Darlene, Brenda and I… we’re still
standing, still talking to each other, and feeling proud
of doing a huge task the right way.

This step-by-step process shouldn’t scare anyone from
participating in future by-law committees. Really, where
can you get such a sense of accomplishment? Plus,
spend quality time with smart people who aren’t afraid
to speak their mind, but who can accept it when their
views are debated and maybe excluded?

I found the whole thing something different from my
usual involvement in club activities, and at the end of
the day, I enjoyed the experience!

Always moving forward, keeping our basic mission in
the forefront of all we do, it keeps us able to stay
current and grow. By-laws must reflect the clubs values
and mission in today’s world, and we think they do. We
hope you do, too!

Till next time,
